
Local Vegas

I've heard Branson often called the Vegas of the Midwest. I don't know how accurate the comparison is, as I've never been to Vegas, but I can tell you all that Branson is . . . something else. A good friend of mine came to visit over the past two days, and like any good local, I showed him around the 76 strip and all of Branson's odd glory.

We attempted to get 5 dollar palm readings, but the psychic was triflin' and refused to unlock her open signed door. Boo. We considered zip lining, but decided against the $100 discounted fee. We got locked out of a wine tasting, and the segway and go kart courses were closed. Answer? Flea markets, wax museum and Kung Fu show. The Kung Fu show was seriously fantastic. The cast was probably around 50 members strong, and no one was hanging around on stage for decoration. Check it out here: kungfubranson.com

After spending the afternoon with Will Smith, Marilyn Monroe and Chinese dragons, we ventured back up 65 to catch The Detectives at The Outland. This is a show that never disappoints. Ok, so maybe it was only my second time seeing them-- but I can't imagine it was ever a bore before I showed up. How many legitimately good musicians still get together to throw 50s dance parties? SO glad these guys are around in Springfield.

Lunch the next day at The Grad School with ridiculously good hummus and salad with pesto vinaigrette and a good friend was headed back north. I'll be sure to check the segway course schedule before anyone else visits.

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